A few weeks ago, my colleagues had a spotlight on the common .NET logging library NLog (http://nlog-project.org). This specific class library, provides a lot of functions, methods and classes, to perform logging actions in .NET applications, assemblies, etc. in a very professional way. You can decide what you log, where you log (file, database, mail, console, etc...),... Continue Reading →
Easily transfer FSMO Roles vom one DC to a another
I've wrote a nice batch script how you can transfer FSMO Roles from one domaincontroller to a another. With some simple choices you can move roles between domaincontrollers in a AD environment. Therefor i use the NTDSUTIL.EXE of the Windows Server Support Tools wich is installed by default on a Windows Domaincontroller. Before you can... Continue Reading →
Fehlersuche/Troubleanalyse mit dem EventLog und seinen Tools
Folgende Commandline-Tools sind zur Fehleranalyse unter Windows 2000 | XP | 2003 geeignet: Das mit cscript startende VB-Script: EventQuery.vbs (ist beim Windows Server 2k3 im Resource Kit mit dabei) und WMIC.EXE (eine Schnittstelle der Windows Management Instrumentation, kann diesen Fehler auslesen auch vom lokalen System uns vom Remote Hosts) WMI ist ein 'Common Standard' welcher... Continue Reading →